One of the major activities of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) is to coordinate scholarships offered by friendly country. Countries offering various scholarships to Tanzania include China, Cuba, Russia, Algeria and Macedonia. Others include India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Kuwait to name just a few.

  In order to ensure wider participation of all qualified individuals, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training makes regular advertisements of scholarships in the printed media, MoEVT website, radio Zanzibar and the Notice Board of the Ministry. This arrangement is important as it enables all qualified individuals to be informed of the opportunities offered by friendly countries in a more open and competitive manner. 

All  applications  should be addressed to:-

The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training,
P.O. Box 9121,

N.B   These are general Guidelines. Candidates are advised to read and understand specific guidelines provided by specific call for Scholarship.


One of the major activities of the Ministry of Education and Vocational
Training (MoEVT) is to coordinate scholarships offered by friendly
country. Countries offering various scholarships to Tanzania include
China, Cuba, Russia, Algeria and Macedonia. Others include India, United
Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Kuwait to name just a few.
In order to ensure wider participation of all qualified individuals, the
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training makes regular
advertisements of scholarshipsin the printed media, MoEVT website, radio
Zanzibar and the Notice Board of the Ministry. This arrangement is
important as it enables all qualified individuals to be informed of the
opportunities offered by friendly countries in a more open and
competitive manner.
Selection of qualified Candidates is done by the Sub-Advisory Committee
for Higher Education and Training (SACHET). The Committee (SACHET) is
chaired by the Director of the Department of Higher Education. The
Secretariat of the Committee consists of an Assistant Director responsible
for Management and Senior officers from the same department. Members
of the committee includes representatives from the Ministry of
Education and Vocational Training (Zanzibar), Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and International Cooperation (MoFAIC), President Office – Public Service
Management (PO-PSM), the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar
coordination Office in Dar es salaam, Higher Education Students Loans
Board (HESLB), the National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA) and
the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
In order to enhance efficiency, the public is hereby informed of the
general guidelines for application for scholarships coordinated by the
Ministry of Education and Vocation Training. Candidates applying for
scholarship advertised by the MoEVTare therefore urged to read and
adhere to the general guidelines as follows:
1. General Guidelines for Undergraduate scholarships and exchange
Applicantsmust, together with other specific requirements, fulfill the
following:-I. Must have completed and passed Advanced Certificateof Secondary
Education or equivalent qualifications and have obtained good
results in the relevant subject;
II. Must not be older than 25 years of age;
III. Must have good health;
IV. Must be willing to learn the language of the country which offers
the scholarship (if required by the program);
V. Candidates are permitted to apply to join both local Institutions
(through CAS) and overseas institutions advertised by the Ministry of
Education and Vocational Training. However, priority will be given
to candidates who obtain scholarships to study abroad;
VI. Needy students applying for scholarships coordinated by the
MoEVTincluding applicants under the Tanzania Mozambique
Students Exchange Programme (TAMOSE) shall be required to apply
for loans from Higher Education Student’s Loans Board to cover for
air ticketsand living costsas prescribed from time to time by the
HESLB. Applicants who fail to apply for Loan shall not be granted
loans by HESLB;
VII. Successful candidate isrequired to stay in the country where he/she
is attending studies until completion of his/her studies;
VIII. The Ministry (MoEVT) or HESLB will not be responsible to incur
expenses for student coming homefor any reason except for serious
medical problems after the confirmation of the nature of illness by
a medical Doctor;
IX. Applicants must attach certified copies of academic certificates,
transcripts, birth Certificates, and any other relevant documents;
X. Applicants from Zanzibar should channel their applications through
the Ministry responsible for Higher Education in Zanzibar; and
XI. Applicants must indicate reliable contact including telephone
numbers and e-mail addresses.
All applications should be addressed to:-The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training,
P.O. Box 9121,
Applicants for postgraduate scholarships are required to meet the
following requirements:-I. Must have completed 1
Degree with not lessthan aGPA of 3.5 for
Master’s Degree. PhD. Applicants must have a Master’s degree
with a GPA of not less than 3.5. or an average grade of “B” or
II. Must submit relevantacademic Certificates, transcripts birth
Certificates and other relevant documents as indicated in
respective call for applications;
III. Must not be more than 35 years of age for Master applicants and not
more than 40 years of age for PhD applicants;
IV. Must be in good health;
V. Must provide evidence that he/she have started repayment of
Loans from HESLB;
VI. Must attach two letters of recommendations by two professors or
Associate Professors;
VII. For some scholarships,applicants will be required to fill in
application forms by electronic system (on – line application system)
and submit hard copies to the Ministry;
VIII. Needy students applying for scholarships coordinated by the MoEVT
shall be required to apply for loans from the Higher Education
Student’s Loans Board to cover for air tickets and a monthly
Topping up allowanceas prescribed from time to time by the
IX. Applicants who fail to apply for Loan shall not be supported by
X. Applicants from Zanzibar should channel their application through
the Ministry responsible for higher education in Zanzibar;
XI. Applicantsnominated andaccepted by the country offering
scholarship and refuses to utilize such an offer will not be
considered for subsequence scholarships;
XII. Applicants who secure admission in overseas universities under
private arrangements shall not be considered for loans from HESLB;
XIII. Applicants applying for PhD scholarships under the Commonwealth
Scholarships tenable in the United Kingdom must provide the
Commission for Commonwealth scholarship with evidence of support
from a prospective supervisor from at least one of their chosen
institutions at the time of application;
XIV. Applicants applying for PhD/Masters scholarships underthe
Commonwealth Scholarships tenable in the New Zealand
mustinclude a letter of offer from his/her preferred New Zealand
University corresponding to proposed study programme. Other
specific requirements includes:-- Applicants should not have a permanent residence status of
New Zealand or Australia or another developed country,
- Applicants should not be married or engaged to be married
to a person who holds or who is eligible to hold citizenship
or permanent residence status of New Zealand, Australia or
another developed country.
XV. All applicants must indicate their contacts including reliable
telephone numbers, e-mail address etc.
All applications should be addressed to:-The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training,
P.O. Box 9121,
N.B These are general guidelines. Candidates are advised to read
and understand specific guidelines provided by specific call
for Scholarship.


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