Nchini Malawi kura za uchaguzi
mkuu zinatarajwa kuhesabiwa upya hii leo katika maeneo ambapo
imedhihirika kuwa idadi ya wapiga kura haiwiani na idadi ya wale
waliojiandikisha kupiga kura.
Uchaguzi mkuu wa Malawi umezidi kuchukua sura
mpya baada ya wanasiasa na wanasheria nchini humo kupeleka malalamiko
yao mahakamani, na kuzidi kuchelewesha matokeo ya uchaguzi huo
uliofanyika jumanne iliyopita.Kulingana na mwandishi wa idhaa ya Kiswahili ya BBC aliye mjini Lilongwe, Baruan Muhuza, hali nchini humo imekuwa ya sintofahamu ambapo hakuna ye yote anayejua uchaguzi utaishia wapi.
Anasema kuwa tume ya uchaguzi imekiri kuwa kuna maeneo kadhaa ambayo kuhesabu kwa kura kutarudiwa kwa sababu kura zilizopigwa zinazidi waliojisajili.
" Tume ya uchaguzi inasema kuwa kuna maeneo mengine ambako watu wamepiga kura mara tatu au mara nne kama vile mji wa Mangochi waliosajiliwa ni watu 39,000 pekee lakini kura zilizopatikana hapo ni 180,000," Baruan alisema.
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
Share on Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.

Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.

The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.

She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.

No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.

This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.

Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.

The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.

She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.

No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.

This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
Share on Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.

Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.

The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.

She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.

No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.

This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.

Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.

The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.

She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.

No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.

This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
Share on Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.

Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.

The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.

She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.

No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.

This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.

Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.

The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.

She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.

No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.

This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
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After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
You Won’t Believe What The Maternal Instinct of a Lioness Can Make Her Do!
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
Share on Facebook
After falling from a steep vertical cliff, a lion cub is crying out for help.
Fortunately, his mother hears him and comes to his rescue with the help for three other lionesses and a lion.
The mom puts her life on the line to rescue her son before he falls down to a certain death. Maternal instinct is a real thing even for the most dangerous animals. Motherly love…
A lioness gets to the edge of a cliff as she hears her cub crying out for help.
lioness cub 1
Four lionesses look over the edge before aborting their rescue mission because of the sheer drop.
lioness cub 2
The mother scrambles down the cliff to reach her endangered cub.
lioness cub 3
She locks him in her jaws and makes her way back up the cliff.
lioness cub 4
No scolding for this cub. The mother gives him a lick to say that all is well.
lioness cub 5
This dramatic rescue, captured by wildlife photographer Jean-Francois Largot, was played out in Kenya’s Masai Mara game reserve. And a lot of humans could take note of what this lioness did for her cub. It’s unconditional love.
Read more at http://www.likazing.com/lioness-cub-maternal-instinct/
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