Ndege ya kwanza ya Magufuli yatua Dar

NDEGE mpya ya kwanza iliyonunuliwa na serikali kwa ajili ya kutumiwa na Kampuni ya Ndege Tanzania (ATCL), imetua kwenye Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere jijini Dar es Salaam (JNIA), ikitokea nchini Canada ilikotengenezwa.
Ndege hiyo ilitua kwenye Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere majira ya saa 6:15 mchana jana. Baada ya kutua ndege hiyo, ilipatiwa heshima maalumu ambayo hutolewa kwa ndege yoyote mpya inayotua katika nchi yake (Water Salute) na kisha kuegeshwa katika eneo la ndege za jeshi (Airwing Ukonga).
Akizungumza baada ya kuwasili kwa ndege hiyo, Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Ujenzi, Uchukuzi na Mawasiliano, Dk Leonard Chamriho alisema ndege ya pili inatarajiwa kuwasili baada ya wiki moja.
“Baada ya kuwasili ndege ya pili ndipo yatafanyika mapokezi rasmi, yatakayoongozwa na Rais Magufuli kwa tarehe itakayotangazwa baadaye,” alisema Chamriho.
Taarifa ya awali iliyotolewa na ATCL mwishoni mwa wiki, ilieleza kuwa ndege hiyo yenye uwezo wa kubeba abiria 76 ikiwa na marubani wanne kutoka Canada, ilianza safari ya kuja nchini tangu wiki mbili zilizopita ikipitia miji ya Reykjavík, Southampton, Malta, Luxor na Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Ilieleza kuwa ndege hizo, zitaanza kufanya safari zake mara tu baada ya kukamilisha mchakato wa kusajiliwa na Mamlaka ya Usalama wa Anga Tanzania (TCAA).
“Kwa kuwa zitakuja zikiwa na usajili wa nchini Canada, tutalazimika kutumia siku mbili hadi tatu kuziingiza kwenye usajili wa TCAA pamoja na kukamilisha taratibu nyingine za kisheria ili ziweze kupata ruhusa ya kufanya safari za hapa kwetu,” ilieleza.
Iliongeza kuwa safari ya kwanza ya ndege hiyo, inatarajiwa kufanyika Septemba 27, mwaka huu kwenda jijini Mwanza.
“Tutakuwa na madaraja mawili yaani daraja la uchumi (Economy Class) litakalohusisha abiria 70 na daraja la biashara (Business Class) litakalohusisha abiria sita kwa kila ndege,’’ ilibainisha. Ilitaja baadhi ya maeneo ambayo shirika hilo litaboresha zaidi safari zake kuwa ni Dodoma, Mwanza, Arusha, Mbeya, Kigoma, Tabora, Mpanda, Kilimanjaro, Mtwara, Zanzibar, Pemba, Bukoba na Visiwa vya Comoro. Ujio wa ndege hizo unatajwa kuwa utaleta mapinduzi makubwa kihuduma na kiutendaji kwa shirika hilo.
Tayari kampuni hiyo imebainisha kwamba imeunda kikosi kazi, kinachosimamia masuala mbalimbali likiwemo suala la mafunzo ya watendaji wake mbalimbali ili kuendana na matakwa ya biashara hiyo kwa sasa likiwemo suala la kufanya biashara kwa ushindani. Ujio wa ndege hizo ni ahadi ya Rais John Magufuli aliyoitoa mara baada ya kuingia madarakani, ambapo kupitia bajeti ya wizara hiyo ya Ujenzi, Uchukuzi na Mawasiliano, ilitenga pia kiasi cha fedha kwa ajili ya ununuzi huo.
Kwa mujibu wa Waziri wake, Profesa Makame Mbarawa wakati akisoma makadirio ya mapato na matumizi ya mwaka 2016/17, serikali imejipanga kukamilisha ununuzi wa ndege mbili aina ya Bombardier Q400 kwa ajili ya ATCL ili kufufua safari za ndani za kampuni hiyo.
Hadi sasa ATCL ina ndege moja aina ya Bombadier Q300, hivyo ujio wa ndege hizo utaifanya kuwa na ndege nne zinazotoa huduma ya usafiri wa anga nchini.

Magazeti Ya Leo, Sept 21

The iPhone 7 is a Money Making Gimmick

The rumors can now be put to rest; Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed the latest Apple products on Sept. 8, where the company finally laid out the newest iPhone. Critics have talked about the iPhone 7 for months, speculating about what would be different. And finally, the public knows some rumors were true. For the first time in Apple iPhone history, their newest creation does not have a headphone jack.

Wait, what? I’m sure when you first heard this, and like me, you were confused and left with the burning question: How am I supposed to jam out to Yeezy now?
With the extinction of the popular headphone jack, Apple seems to be looking for ways to take more and more of our money. Sad thing is, we give it to them so willingly. Pre-orders have already begun for the iPhone 7, which starts out at $649 for the 32GB model, and stretches to an astounding $849 for a 256GB phone.
But the buck doesn’t stop there. Apple introduced a new product to replace the hassle of wired earbuds, making the lack of auxiliary port a non-issue. Wireless AirPods have been created for any future headphone needs, but they will not be available with the iPhone 7. The newest iPhone will come with EarPods and an adapter, allowing traditional headphones to connect through the lightning port.
At $159 a pair for new wireless headphones, techies are expected to spend almost $1,000 for the newest mobile gadgets. What have we come to, folks?
What in the world is Apple thinking charging consumers almost $200 for wireless earbuds? Not only is that outrageous but simply poor taste on Apple’s part. To charge an obscene amount of money to put something in your ears to simply listen to music is just pointless.
I don’t think Apple understands the demographic of those who purchase their products. Apple products appeal to a wide audience, one that is not limited to businessmen and women, groups such as college students.
We as college students have other necessities to pay for, leaving little money for trendy gadgets. If you own a car, you have a car payment, along with car insurance, gas and oil changes. If you live on your own, you have rent due every month, bills to pay and food to buy. We also have tuition to pay, or loans to pay off, making our budgets very tight.
Where does Apple get the idea that we have almost $200 to randomly drop on a pair of plastic wireless earbuds? Or even $600, $800 and $1,000, to buy their newest phone?
I know no matter what they produce and what they price it as, it will sell and Apple will make millions. But, what does this say about us as a society? Why should a measly headphone jack, or lack thereof, cause society to spend a month’s worth of rent on something that will be replaced by something bigger and better the following year or two.
Why get rid of the headphone jack in the first place? I was raised on the theory that, ‘if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.’ What was wrong with the headphone jack and the wired earbuds? I was fine with untangling and unknotting my perfectly fine earbuds. If Apple really needed to create wireless earbuds, did they really need to get rid of the headphone jack?
No. They didn’t.
Let me know your thoughts on this my opinions

New Force Dar - Songea Laua na Kujeruhi

Basi la New Force kutoka Dar es salaam kwenda Songea
limepata ajali baada ya kupinduka eneo la Kifanya kilomita kadhaa kutoka mkoani Njombe.
Ajali hiyo imetokea Septemba 19,2016 majira ya saa moja na dakika 40 usiku.
Inaelezwa kuwa watu 12 (wanawake 8,wanaume 4) wamepoteza maisha huku 9 wakijeruhiwa.
Abiria wa basi hilo wanasema basi lilikuwa katika mwendo kasi na kwamba lilinusurika kupinduka mara mbili na mara ya tatu ndipo likapinduka.
Kamanda wa polisi mkoa wa Njombe ACP Prudenciana Protas amethibitisha kutokea kwa ajali hiyo.